My Story
My journey with clay started as a child with my joy of getting dirty and playing in the mud. Throughout my primary and secondary schooling, I was constantly finding myself drawn to the arts. In college, my chosen major was in Art Education where I really experienced working with clay for the first time. After college, life happened and I moved away from clay. Once my three girls all graduated from school in 2015, I took a beginner wheel class from a local community studio. I went from there to having a wheel on my back porch and then having a larger, more productive studio in my basement. In 2024, my husband and I plan on renovating our barn and moving the studio there so that I have more room for studio members and students.
The Story of the Seashell, my Maker’s Mark:
I grew up like most everyone I knew. My Dad worked in a factory in Chattanooga and my Mom stayed home with me. There were many times Dad was laid off and money was tight. No matter how bad things were, he somehow always found the money to take us to the beach in the summer. There, he and I would spend hours each day walking in the surf looking for seashells. They were my greatest treasures! When my husband and I had our three girls, we continued that tradition with them. The beach has always been a source of peace and calm for me. It is where I feel the most connected with God. When I started creating with clay, it didn’t take long for me to realize that it gives me that same feeling of peace and connectedness. It seemed natural to pick the seashell as the image for my maker’s mark.